In 2009 my friend Dan Riggs (AKA Fiddle Man Dan) introduced me to the singer/songwriter Brian Bingham. I don't think I have ever met a more ambitious and passionate musician. Brian's music is soulful and heartfelt, his lyrics are meaningful and poetic. At the time he was looking for a new bass player and it only took one rehearsal for him to ask me to join the band. Soon I was singing back ups and playing percussion as well. Brian gigged harder than anyone I had ever played with. Once he booked us two shows in one day! When Stu Anderton and my brother Tyrel joined the band we really settled into a sweet groove. It was a great two years of music, never to be forgotten.
Our classic sound check song was a slick little blues diddy that Brian put together called "Good Love". After I was diagnosed with leukemia I had to have many blood transfusions in order to maintain healthy blood levels. I was in and out of the hospital for chemo therapy and other treatments. Once when I had some time at home from the hospital Brian stopped by and played me a new rendition of "Good Love" he had written just for me. He had changed the hook on the chorus to "Good Blood". I was very flattered and honored by this kind gesture. |